Every morning
the world is created.
Under the
orange sticks of the sun
the heaped ashes of
the night
turn into leaves again
and fasten themselves to
the high branches ---
and the ponds appear
like black cloth on
which are painted islands
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque nec lectus. Aenean congue. Curabitur est. Pellentesque id elit sed lacus convallis porta. Aenean ac orci. Integer lacinia turpis rutrum diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam orci ipsum, cursus id, blandit eget, semper a, odio. Cras ut tellus. Integer placerat malesuada velit. Morbi porttitor ornare risus. Vivamus iaculis, tortor a vestibulum condimentum, dolor massa adipiscing erat, vel mollis libero risus nec augue. Morbi pulvinar placerat augue. Fusce urna justo, porta ac, pulvinar id, vehicula ut, purus. Sed enim elit, tristique sed, tincidunt id, posuere sit amet, urna. Cras non ligula.
This design is inspired by the nature, childhood, colors, sky, trees, music, Heart in Atlantis - the Movie, another template you can see in OD.org - Loneliness by Dieter, and all the good memories of my childhood.
This Teamplate is released under Creative Common License. So, please don't delete the link back to my website. It might not be that great as a design, but I will appreciate if you appreciate the time I spent, cigarettes I smoked.. thank you.
Donec vitae nulla quis diam aliquet rutrum. Nulla egestas. Donec interdum placerat leo. Nunc neque mauris, feugiat a, feugiat eget, molestie eget, dolor. Sed eu nulla non dui dignissim rhoncus. Donec gravida, eros nec pulvinar sollicitudin, quam pede vulputate nulla, id rutrum mi mauris ut felis. Vivamus tempor diam bibendum massa.
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